Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy

We value the importance of a child’s social skills development and its impact on building positive relationships through all ages. Our program incorporates the Social Thinking Curriculum, DIRFloortime, and The Hanen Centre methodologies. We create a nurturing environment that encourages your child to explore their unique interests and strengths. This interactive play and curriculum fosters a strong bond between you and your child and promotes their emotional, social, and cognitive development. Through our approach, you’re helping your child build essential life skills that will empower them to succeed and thrive in their future endeavors

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Therapy Targets:

  • Perspective Taking

  • Engaging in Reciprocal Play

  • Conversational Skills

  • Problem-Solving

  • Friendship Skills

  • Navigating Social Environment

  • Gain Self Confidence

  • Emotional Regulation

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